Code of Conduct

Please note that Atotal Insurtech Kft., as a member of the Generali Group, has adopted a binding group-level code of conduct, which you will find below.

The Generali Group Code of Conduct was approved by the Board of Directors of Assicurazioni Generali S.p.A on 14 December 2012 and replaces the Ethical Code of the Generali Group. 

The Code of Conduct sets minimum standards of behavior to be observed and provides specific rules of conduct in relation to the following issues: promotion of diversity and inclusion, assets and business data protection, conflicts of interest, anti-bribery and anti-corruption, financial information and insider dealing, anti-money laundering, anti-terrorist financing and international sanctions. 

Practices or conducts that are, in good faith, considered as inappropriate or inconsistent with the law, the Code of Conduct or the Group Rules or other internal policies (e.g. discriminations, harassment, bullying, mobbing, corruption and bribery, etc.) can be reported via local as well as Group Head Office’s channels.

Local channels:

Notifications can be sent to the International Generali Group via the following channels:

The Compliance Helpline is operated by GCS Compliance Service Europe Ltd. (a subsidiary of Navex Global).

Please note that these channels should not be used to submit Customers’ concerns related to the products or services provided by Group companies, since they should be communicated through the appropriate, specific channels according to the provisions set out in the relevant contractual documentation, in compliance with local legislation. 

Code of Conduct
+36-1-433-4101, +36-1-433-4102
1158 Budapest, Késmárk utca 14/b
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Data Protection Officer: Generali Biztosító Zrt.
Mailing Address: 7602 Pécs, PO Box 888,